Monday, July 5, 2010

Nesting Loons...

I got a tip the other day about the location of a nesting loon.  Yesterday I took a ride and sure enough, there she was!  It's a bit of a drive, so I fear I won't be able to check back often enough to be there when the chick hatches.  However, I'm going to try.  I'll keep you posted.

It sure was quick & easy to upload this images.  Many less hassles than if I had tried with my old BLOG software. 

What do you think?


Unknown said...

Have I seen that loon before? I will try to check as often as I can. And let you know as soon as I know.

Lori A. Davis, Photographer said...

Thanks, Cindi. Yes, you know this loon. Aren't you glad you're not out sitting in direct sunlight all day long, like she is in this hot weather?