Monday, August 16, 2010

Website Status...

After countless phone calls over the past few weeks to Bulgaria (yes... BULGARIA) I still have made little to no progress on getting my website issues corrected. ValueWeb, which was once an American based company was wonderful to deal with in all the years I have been their customer.  Since they "migrated" to HOSTWAY, there have been some major inconveniences.  They have "lost" the back pages to my website, even though I have backed them up online.  My pages SHOW SCHEDULE, ABOUT MY PRODUCT, NEWS and other links have now disappeared.  Many of the links just lead back to my BIO page... I can only imagine how conceited folks out there must think I am, if all links just lead back to the "ABOUT ME" page!  Anyway, after countless hours on the phone w/ tech support, no progress has been made.  I was able to get into the code of the homepage and add the comment about my show schedule being available on my BLOG now.  I have had a few of you contact me to let me know the pages weren't working properly.  Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. 

I don't know how soon I can find a new hosting company with all of the features that I require, but at least there's peace of mind knowing that although these website issues are frustrating, the images, the shopping cart and security features have not and will not be compromised.  The website will not see any further changes until I can build a new one w/ a new host. 

Enjoy the images, feel free to continue to shop securely.  The issues is just that the back pages have been lost & nothing else.  Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am going to email you a link to a very good hosting company. They have served me well for a long time with many websites that I have done for myself and others.
